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  • tag_add <tag> <key>
  • tag_delete <tag>

Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object cachingsystem.

We add “Tag Function” for memcached. Propose is remove several keys with thesame tag in one operation. This function will help the API programmers (such asphp) do the delete operation easily, and reduce the network load. We use hashand splay tree, make the “tag_add” and “tag_delete” commands very quickly, andsave memory as much as possible.

memcached forWin32


This is a port of memcached to the win32 architecture by Kronuz
The win32version of memcached can be run both as a NT Service or from the commandline.



memcachedb就是这样一个基于memcache + berkeley db的持久存储,仍然可以使用之前的memcache clientapi,比如这些方法:

  • get(also mutiple get)
  • set, add, replace
  • incr, decr
  • delete
  • stats


Memcachedb is a distributed key-value storage system designed for persistent.It is NOT a cache solution, but a persistent storage engine for fast andreliable key-value based object storage and retrieval. It conforms to memcacheprotocol(not completed, see below), so any memcached client can haveconnectivity with it. Memcachedb uses Berkeley DB as a storing backend, so lotsof features including transaction and replication aresupported.



The memcache_engine allows memcache to work as a storage engine to MySQL.This means that you can SELECT/UPDATE/INSERTE/DELETE from it as though it is atable in MySQL.

转自: http://www.ooso.net/archives/395

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